Monday, May 12, 2008

Mothers Day

I hope all the moms that are reading this had a great Mothers Day yesterday, I know I did. We went to church, visited both our moms and relaxed at home. It was a nice quiet day which is all I can ask for! The kids each made me a cute card and Kylie brought home a little craft from school for me as well. Not really much else to say other than hope you had a great day! A few pictures too...


KaNdRa and JaReD said...

Awwww! What a cute little fuzzy family. We miss you guys. See you in a couple of months :)

Kristal said...

Wow, they are so cute and getting so big!! I can't beleive you are working on #4! I hope everything is going well with this pregnancy andthat you aren't sick.

Elissa said...

You guys are all just too cute!

Dawna Greer said...

You have such cute kids, a really nice family and another to join them--how exciting!

Devin and Kristin Day said...

Hi Jessica,

The dogs are my moms good friends son. I believe he lives in Albuquerque. If you want his name let me know and I will find out. I have never met him before. I just thought it was really neat. He actually takes his young sons with him and his wife and they go out and do this. Crazy!!