Wednesday, February 17, 2010


I love to cook! I love to bake!  I don't love to clean up, but the process that leads up to it is very fun.  It's always so rewarding when you finish whatever it is you are preparing.  It doesn't even matter that most of the time you put so much time and effort into a dish and it's gone just like that.  I am pleased when my family is pleased with what they are eating!
I like to make a menu for the week so I have my dinners all planned out ahead of time and can prepare by gathering any ingredients from the store that I might not have on hand, and that is usually a lot of ingredients. LOL  I wish I had been saving all the menus from weeks past, but instead I just toss them at weeks end.  So now I am going to keep my menus posted on here and that way I'll always have something to keep track of.  I suppose if it becomes too much posting or whatever I can start a seperate blog, but then again it's not like many even read this ha ha!
So this week beginning with Monday, yes I know the week begins with Sunday, but I started it with Monday; we are having
Monday: Spaghetti with meatballs, salad and garlic bread
Tuesday: Jalapeno Chicken with steamed green beans
Wednesday: Steak Sandwiches
Thursday: Country Fried Steaks with mashed potatoes and gravy
Friday: Leaving this day open as for now, might not be home to cook!
Saturday: Roasted Garlic White Pizza
Sunday: Taco Soup
I usually aim to make one new recipe per week and this week that is the Taco Soup. 
I took a picture of last nights yummy dinner for you to enjoy...


Chris and Nichole said...

Yay I'm glad your doing this, so I can steal your ideas!!! Tell Kylie congrats on her big day and I always read your blog so never stop posting :)

JaredandKatie said...

I don that too but your meals sound yummier than mine. Although last night we did have Home made chicken pot pit and that was pretty yummy! I do the menu thing too, isn't it great??

KaNdRa and JaReD said...

You are so good! I don't plan meals like I should. The only planning I do is..."Monday is leftovers from Sunday, Tuesday I don't know...Wednesday is leftovers...". Haha. Please do post your menues so that I can steal some of your ideas!! Because I DO read your blog!

NICOLE said...

Yes great idea!! Thanks for sharing so I too can steal your ideas! New recipes are always good!!